2014 8os 30
Chronic Cholecystitis
Key Info? This is a long-standing inflammation of the gallbladder. It is usually caused by repeated attacks of acute cholecystitis. The walls of the gallbladder thicken, and the gallbladder begins to shrink and cannot store bile.Physical Exam Findings? Chronic indigestion, abdominal (vague) pain, nausea.
Evaluation? Abdominal CT, oral cholecystogram, ultrasound.
Treatment? Cholecystectomy is the usual treatment.
2014 8os 29
Primary Biliary Cirrhosis
Key Info? This chronic disease is usually autoimmune in nature. 90% are women.Physical Exam Findings? Fatigue, pruritus, edema, steatorrhea, hyperlipidemia, xanthomas, hyperpigmentation of sun-exposed areas.
Evaluation? Alk. Phosphatase is increased. Antimitochondrial Ab (have a high sensitivity), Biopsy confirms the diagnosis.
Treatment? There is no specific treatment, but you can try Cholestyramine, ursodeoxycholic acid (slows the disease down)
2014 8os 29
Primary Sclerosing Cirrhosis
Key Info? Association with ulcerative colitis and Crohn'sPhysical Exam Findings? Fatigue, pruritus, edema,
Evaluation? ERCP, Antimitochondrial Ab (negative)
Treatment? Bile-acid binding resins
2014 8os 29
Hepatic Hemangioma
Key Info? This is a benign tumor consisting of dilated blood vessels. It is a congenital defect.Physical Exam Findings? Depends on their location, but they can be asymptomatic and found only by chance.
Evaluation? SPECT, MRI, CT, hepatic angiogram, CBC (shows thrombocytopenia)
Treatment? Only treat if there is persistent pain. Surgical repair may be needed.
2014 8os 28
GI: Hepatitis C
Physical Exam Findings? Cirrhosis, fatigue, edemaEvaluation? Hep C Ab, PCR, Biopsy
Treatment:? Ribavirin, Interferon
GI: Hepatitis B
Physical Exam Findings? Cirrhosis, fatigue, edema
Evaluation? Hep B Ag, PCR, Biopsy
Treatment? Interferon, Lamivudine, Adefovir